Locally Owned & Family Operated Since 2016
Mail: PO Box 2299
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
or TEXT us at 360-317-0070
(we monitor texts business hours only)
Bulk Storage Sites: * 517 Stanford Lane-FRIDAY HARBOR * 10 Pool Lane- LOPEZ ISLAND * 27 Aeroview- ORCAS ISLAND

Above Ground Tank Dimensions
Horizontal tanks start at 120 gallons and vertical tanks start at 23 gallons.
A list of tank sizes for our most popular Above Ground Tanks.
For Tank set distances from buildings, see the spec sheet below
NEVER Paint or Alter Propane Tanks To Be a Darker Color
If you’ve ever had the urge to paint your propane tank a darker color to help it blend in with your home, your landscaping, or to otherwise just be creative…DON’T DO IT. Propane tanks are painted lighter colors like white or beige specifically for your safety. Propane gas expands rapidly in heat, so the lighter color of the tank reflects some of that heat away to prevent it from expanding to a dangerous level. If a propane tank is painted a dark color, it will absorb heat. This heat can make the propane inside expand dangerously high, posing a safety hazard for you and your loved ones. The Dark Green tanks (Like the above pictured) are coated with a special paint specifically manufactured for UNDERGOUND USE ONLY.